Personal Growth

So how do we go about realizing what’s truly important to us? How do we recognize our weaknesses, and learn not to hide behind them? How do we become balanced? How do we open that magical door that will show us the way to personal growth and success? Perhaps the most important realization that an individual can make in their quest for personal growth is that, while there are common elements, there is no single formula that defines the path to personal growth. After all, we each have different goals and priorities, which means that different attitudes and activities will make us feel good about ourselves. If there is one axiom that governs growth in character, it is that our thoughts are more important than our feelings as we journey forward through this life.

While improving our self-knowledge and realizing our true goals can be very liberating, we should not discard the rules of the society in which we live. We must recognize that exercising our personal liberties does not convey a license to encroach upon the freedom of others. If we are really concerned with growing as individuals, we must not use personality type as an excuse for inappropriate behavior. We cannot be responsible for other people’s behavior, but we can and should control our own. Striving for balance places us on a sure path to becoming unified personalities. While our spirit hope is identical in origin, nature, and destiny, we are called to live individual lives of originality and freedom before God.

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The Positive Qualities Chart and the accompanying book were created by Jim Downs to underscore the qualities that are the essence of character. Jim believes: “Love, Truth, Beauty, and Goodness are the foundation upon which all qualities are built and the culmination of all reality.” He asks: “If these are the central values, what others are important and what would be their relationships?”

Jim’s offerings include charts, books, and buttons. There is more to explore on his web site and Ascension University will soon be offering a  survey course on Jim’s book “The Nature and Attributes of God.”

You can visit Jim’s website at this address:

Personal Growth
Personal Growth > Character Building
Personal Growth > Character Building > Positive Qualities
Personal Growth > Opportunity Corner