Garden / Farm

Your Garden and Farm

Everything you need to establish your garden and produce a bountiful harvest
can be found in the catalog pages listed here. And, for the latest information on how you can help bring an end to world hunger through the most sustainable farming practices and healthy lifestyles, be sure to check out our weblog at

We are working to insure everyone may have the colorful array of choices available through venues like the Barcelona fruit market pictured here. We are also developing a curriculum for Modular Agriculture that will help alleviate the negative impact on terra firma.

Every time you buy from one of our partners in this marketplace, you are helping to build Ascension University while also preserving its educational, ministerial, and entrepreneurial focus.

We hope you will enjoy the whole window shopping experience. And, as you click around, think about how nice it would be if everyone had the range of healthy choices you see here. The first step in solving the health care equation is understanding what God meant in describing The Original Food Drop, for He said: “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” (Genesis 1:29)

  • Seeds & Seedlings – Vegetable
  • Seeds & Seedlings – Fruit
  • Seeds & Seedlings – Herbs & Spices
  • Seeds & Seedlings – Heirloom
  • Seeds & Seedlings – Starting & Propagation
Farming supplies to help make your business grow